Thursday, June 7, 2012
10 Things That Annoy Me About Internet Pictures
7:17 PM | Posted by
Silverstar2154 |
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I’ve never been a fan of pictures. I don’t like taking them and after years and years of looking at pictures I still to this day don’t quite understand the value of them. I think the reason for that is I’ve seen pictures and wondered if 5-10 years down the line if the people in them would want to burn every copy in existence because of how bad they look.
1. Photoshop- Yes photoshop is a fact of life these days and I will have to deal but I can spot bad and lazy photoshop and sometimes I wonder why nobody sees how ridiculously sloppy it looks. [NSFW Example] (Hint: Look at the knees)
2. Food- This is a serious pet peeve of mine. I absolutely loathe when people take pictures of their food because 99% of the time it looks nasty as hell. It also doesn’t help that it’s usually a girl promoting her own (lack of) cooking skills and the thirsty guys looking at the pictures comment that it looks good. When the food looks like slop that you feed pigs with please keep it the hell off the internet. [Example]
3. Instagram- I’m just going to let this be known right now that I think Instagram is a ripoff. Most of the same basic features that I see on Instagram pictures are the same things that most cell phones are already capable of doing. It’s remedial photoshop and people who use it must really like giving away money and they are thirsty.
4. Junky Rooms- I know everyone has seen this before. Someone who takes a picture of themselves and they think (keyword here is think) they look good but they are completely oblivious to the disaster area behind them. We don’t need to see your underwear all over the floor and stained sheets (Only thirsty dudes won’t notice a messy room. Everyone else does).
5. Kids and questionable activities- This is somewhat related to #4. What I mean by this is all the people who take pictures of themselves half naked, doing stripper poses or throwing up gang signs or whatever stupid crap they do and there’s a kid in the background making me think that more people should really have the number for child services on standby. [Example]
6. Stupid facial expressions- The biggest offender in this group is the duck face. Everyone knows what it looks like and most people agree it’s hideous and yet people still do it. I’m not sure why but it really needed to stop a long time ago.
7. Club Pictures- These pictures annoy me. They didn’t used to annoy me but they do now because I feel like the chicks in them can’t really be serious. Do they not have someone who will pull them aside and tell them they look bad? It’s one thing to try to look good and be a little off but it’s another thing altogether to try and the best they come up with is something that even 5-year-olds wouldn't go for. [Example]
8. Show offs- I really don’t want or need to see pictures where people floss like they have stuff and really it just makes them look even more broke and pathetic than usual. It’s tragic and we all know they probably spent their rent money to get whatever the hell useless thing (usually shoes) they have.
9. Baby pictures- You might wonder how anyone could have a problem with baby pictures but I do. My reasoning is in the first 8 months, all babies look exactly the same. There is no way in hell I’m going to think a baby is cute when there’s 9673845102593184 other baby pictures since the beginning of time that look exactly like that one.
10. Statement pictures- Yea I’m sure you thought I was going to say bathroom pictures for this (but in all honestly that falls under #’s 1, 3, 4, 8 and some 5 so no reason to repeat it). Anyway ‘statement pictures’ are pictures that people take of stuff that they claim they are about to do. Clearly it can’t be that damn exciting if they have to take a picture of it and put it online before they do it. It honestly shows the lack of a life.
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And teh crap gets passed down to teh next generation. I was at my daughter's school for a parent/teacher meeting and saw some girls outside with their cell phones taking pics. As soon as the camera was ready they all had to lean forward and poke out theri butts! WTH?! That crap was never cute and it's never going to be!
That right there is terrible lol.
The deuce still ticks me off
That annoys me too. It's like the go-to gesture when people want to look cool but don't know what the hell else to do.
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