Monday, June 18, 2012
MegaTypers Review
12:01 PM | Posted by
Silverstar2154 |
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I wanted to do this review a few weeks ago but there were some issues with the site for a few weeks that prevented me from getting on there for a little bit. Everything seems to be fixed now so I’ll get this over with today.
What it is: MegaTypers is a site where users can earn money by typing short captchas (Those annoying little things sites put up when you’re trying to sign up for something and they want you to prove that you’re not a robot).
What you need to apply: All you need to apply for MegaTypers is an e-mail address and a Paypal account, a Liberty Reserve account or be to receive funds through Western Union (Choose wisely because you can’t change it after you pick it).
(Update 9/30/12: It appears that MegaTypers is having issues with PayPal so momentarily users will not be able to use it as a payment option. Instead users are encouraged to use Liberty Reserve until the PayPal issues are resolved).
(Update 10/26/12: The issues with PayPal have been resolved)
The rates in which MegaTypers pays its users fluctuate on an hourly scale (from .60/1000 images to 1.15/1000/images…this translates to roughly .001-.008 cents per captcha). The best times with the highest rates are in the afternoons (Between 2-8pm EST).
I will say that when I first started using this site the rates were a little bit higher but they were just recently lowered because of an influx of new users. The increase of new users is also responsible for a slower pace of captchas to type. You won’t have to wait 5 minutes to get a captcha to type but they don’t come in a steady stream anymore (It’s a little frustrating because too long of a break can ruin the flow).
Ways to get the payout faster: There are really only 2 ways to get the payout faster. The first way is to try to work when the rates are the highest. That way you get paid a little more for the same amount of work (and you can see how much you make after every captcha so you can see how it adds up).
The second way is through referrals but there is a catch with MegaTypers’ referral system. Though they promote that you will receive a 10% commission on every referral, you will only begin to get paid after you have 5 referrals who reach the minimum payout at least once (Every person needs an invitation code to sign up so while it may be a little simpler to get the referrals, you can’t control how people want to work so it requires patience).
Update 12/12/12: There are a few changes to the MegaTypers site that have occurred over the last few weeks and I feel it would be appropriate to make note of them.
- Increased workload- When I first started on the site the stream of captchas was fairly steady but nothing to write home about. Then there was a long stretch of time where it appeared as if there was very little work to do. Now it appears that the workload is stronger than ever and there are no longer any delays in waiting for captchas to load.
- Higher rates- At the time I wrote this post (June) the hourly rates were actually being decreased from where they were when I started. Now the rates have begun to increase again and now depending on the time of day you work (3-6pm EST is still the best time) the rates can range from .60/1000 captchas to $1.40/1000 captchas.
- New interface- MegaTypers has added a new interface (best used with Google Chrome) where users have to solve two captchas at once. I would recommend that only the fastest and most accurate typers try this system out because the captchas are still timed. The old system where users can only complete 1 captcha at a time is still fully operational.
- Changes to captcha solving time- Under the old system, users would have 15 seconds to complete a captcha. Now, MegaTypers has randomized their system so that users will now have anywhere from 7-15 seconds to complete a captcha. The rules of solving captchas under the time limit still applies.
Sign up to MegaTypers Here (Invitation code is 28SE)
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hi how much can i earn per month here doing this?
Thanks :D
That truly depends on the amount of time you want to put into working and I will definitely say that it is not much so you shouldn't depend on it as a primary source of income.
Right now their rates are so low that you're probably earning .001-.005 cents per captcha depending on the time of day so unless you're committed to putting in more than 2 hours per day then you're probably walking away with making just about 10-15 cents per hour and that would take forever to reach their $3 payout..
I would suggest for you to read some of my other reviews (just click the reviews tag on the sidebar) and maybe you might be interested in something else to go with this site as well.
thank you for giving me that insight. if i could put like 6 hours for this a day how much ca i earn then for a month..
anyway thanks for this info... i will be reading the tabs on the side as well :D
If you have 6 hours per day to put into it then it may be possible to make 20-30 dollars per month with this site but the work is pretty tedious as well so I would still suggest a couple of my other reviews...the Amazon Mechanical Turk one in particular because there depending on where you're from and what you like to do you can make that same 20-30 dollars in a couple of weeks.
hi, what shall i put in the Payments, it said Confirm. its o the top of email and password. what shall i put in the right side of that CONFIRM.?
if im using Western Union how can i receive my payments? what are the steps. what will i put in the confirm box?
Because I have already chosen my payment method I can't go back to change it to Western Union (only to Liberty Reserve since PayPal is down)so I'm not able to walk you through that process.
From the information on the Megatypers site, Western Union payments are only processed on the first Tuesday of every month and only if you have $100 in your account. If both of those requirements are met then I assume it would be processed and sent to the nearest Western Union office in the location that you would have filled out while signing up. Again because I am not able to see that information from my account I cannot be absolutely positive as to what other users see when they choose that option to sign up. I hope this helps.
Now I can see the CONFIRM box in my account but only as it pertains to Liberty Reserve. I would guess they are asking for either the name, email address or some kind of account number that specifies that the account is yours but I don't use Liberty Reserve so I'm not sure what kind of information they are asking for. I do think that Megatypers needs to make that specific box a little more clearer so users are not confused as to what information they need to enter.
I have spent almost3 hours trying to register into Megatypers to no avail. There is no option to even write the invitation code as I have seen in other tutorials. Please does anyone have any idea about this?
I checked the site just a moment ago and it should have a line with a red asterisk saying Invitation Code. Perhaps the ones you are using are not valid and that is why they do not work. You could always use 28SE that is my code and I am still an active member on the site.
my megatypers id shows FIXED! The issue with your balance has been solved. The Estimated Balance is now restored. No money was lost in your account. that but my payment not processed? any one tell me solution.
Unless there was enough money in your account (either 3 dollars or 100 depending on your payment method) then payments should have been processed yesterday. If there was not enough in your account then the money should still be in there until you do make enough to have it processed.
hi if a person types 3000 captcha per hour it will be 3$ per hour for 12 hours 36$ per month 1080$ iz it possible plz answer me
Typing 3000 captchas per hour would be a lot and more than likely a very big stretch to accomplish but depending on the rates for the hour your working then mathematically it would be possible if you were working during the peak hours of the day.
However because the rates fluctuate during every hour it would not be possible to make projections from one solid rate. I do know that if you're a fast and steady worker and you worked for 12 hours per day then it would be possible to complete well over 2000 captchas per day.
how do you use on since my liberty reserve to learn who I'm done Create account logged in. I do not I do not know where to find those account numbers aat my password I did not know where to find those spam folder please reply me back as soon as possible
I'm sot sure how to set up a Megatypers account to have it pay out through Liberty Reserve because I've never used Liberty Reserve before.
Can anyone help me, my on how to change my WU to liberty reserve. I have accumulated 78$ on megatypers before i was banned. Please email me Isthere a chance that Ican withdraw it since Iwas banned. Thank you
If you have been banned then that probably means that you have lost everything that was in your account and there is no way to get it back.
Megatypers is legit - At present, they are paying. A good site for fast typers.
MEGATYPERS is all scam, so don't work on it before you get $3 they will ban your account. this is is a bull shit server just throw this server in the trash..........
megatypers is all spam, they never pay to anyone just take all your hard earned captcha money and simply ban your ids. so friends just stop working on megatypers server this is all a bull shit server. you can work on qlink group it is a good paying server and also
I got paid from the site once but that's because I find that they change their rates far too often and most of the time it's not for the better. In essence I think it takes to much time just to reach the $3 and it's better for me to work on something else. For the people who continue to use it, more power to them.
Hi, on an average rate, how many captcha appears in an hour? Is there a waiting period for another captcha to appear? Is there an instruction on how to LOG OUT? I'm just curious the system will read logging out as avoiding difficult image. Thanks.
Generally a new captcha will appear within 2-3 seconds of completing the previous captcha. If there are a lot of users on the site at the same time that can cause the workflow to slow down and then you could be waiting up to 10 seconds or more to get a new captcha. It is difficult to get a rough estimate of how many captchas will appear in an hour because it depends on how fast you work.
Also the logout button should be on the right sidebar (unless you're working and then there should be an option at the bottom (left corner I believe) to logout after completing the next captcha)
Hi Silverstar, are you still active in MegaTyper? Any feedback on how the company is doing? Also, I hope you can also suggest other sites on where I can earn real cash. By the way, I'm from Philippines. Thanks.
Actually I'm not still active on Megatypers. I may still look in on the site 1-2 times per month just to make sure some huge rules haven't changed but otherwise no.
Since you're from the Philippines and by your comment you have a very good (in my opinion) understanding of the English language I may recommend Bubblews for you. It is a writing site where you can post up to 10 posts per day (about most topics that aren't graphically sexual, violent, racial or homophobic in nature). Each post has to be at least 400 characters long (hint: this comment I'm making is more than 400 characters). Unfortunately (and this change is recent) this payout level is now $50 USD through Paypal (used to be $25) but users get paid 1 cent per view, like and comment on their posts so as long as you're active and follow some good users it will go fast. There are a lot of users of all ages from the Philippines on that site and for the most part it is not overrun by trolls,spammers and plagiarizers because they get reported quickly.
I'm not going to give out a referral link because referrals aren't very important but here's the link. (You don't have to watch the whole video on the page. You can just press the enter site button on the bottom where you can get on the site, read some articles, take a look at the rules and decide if it is worth signing up)
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