Monday, July 30, 2012
What’s Wrong with This Generation?
5:01 PM | Posted by
Silverstar2154 |
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I ask myself this question almost every day now. There are times when I look at just about anything and wonder what the hell is wrong with this generation. Sure everyone has their thoughts and opinions about it as do I so today I choose to share them. I don’t mean for this to come off as bashing partially because I am guilty of some of these things.
I have no solution to how to fix it. I’m not sure there is a solution other than people taking time to stop and think about their actions and since some people are too jaded or wrapped up in themselves to do that it is an unreasonable expectation. So here are my reasons (If cursing bothers you, you are overly sensitive or you have a penchant for tl;dr [too long; didn’t read] this post is not for you).
You could say my generation is pretty damn lonely. People have friends but not too many people close to my age have true friends. Perhaps the internet is to blame for that but it’s true. People of this generation (myself included) lack adequate social skills to get through the daily motions of life. Things that seem so simple or even habitual to our parents like saying hello to strangers on the street or attending an event with the intention to meet new people is lost on us. For some nobody ever taught them how to be cordial and polite, for others, communication is just a struggle and impossible to fully comprehend so we create our own worlds where we are comfortable and those who aren’t a part of it simply won’t understand.
This also translates into romantic relationships as well. Nobody now wants a serious relationship until they are 35 and wake up and realize that they have a bunch of kids and no wife or husband because they thought they could 'date' even though they never learned how to date. Everything is so fast paced. If something doesn’t happen as fast as people want them to then they are ready to move on. The minute one silly little thing goes left people want to leave until the minute where they get lonely and desperate and will overlook any and every major flaw just to lay a claim to a piece of a relationship.
This generation is horribly misguided with everything from their career paths to their social lives. People think it is more important to give the illusion of having an active social life than it is to actually have an active social life. People spend so much time trying to impress people they don’t know and will never meet over Facebook and Twitter to show off things that they may have received through ill-gotten gains (scamming, spamming, stealing….whatever) without taking into consideration that when some people can see these things then everyone (I mean family, other friends, police, victims, victim’s friends and families, professors, bosses, potential bosses and co-workers) can see these things. I don’t understand why it’s so important to be a damn show-off.
There’s also the thing about careers. Yes people have been wanting to be athletes, actors, actresses, musicians or models for a good 20 years now but it’s gotten to the point where some people truly think that is the only way to go even if they do go to college. Surely you can’t blame some of them. What’s the point of getting thousands of dollars in debt and you can’t find a job afterwards or you end up in a job you hate? It makes some people desperate and say “fuck it, I’ma go after my dream.”
Again some of us don’t know that dreams are just dreams and they don’t come true for everybody so what we end up having are a bunch of folks chasing dreams and wasting all that time and energy on endeavors that go nowhere (aka being Youtube famous. People please, Youtube fame is not even close to being the same as real fame) instead of doing something that goes somewhere. For most of us the future will be there. No, tomorrow isn’t guaranteed but at the same time if you spend 10-15 years thinking like that 40 will be at your doorstep and you have nothing to show for it, not even the satisfaction of being happy.
There are two different types of people who represent this generation. There are the people who give a fuck about everything and the people who give a fuck about nothing (Admittedly I spent some years being a part of the former category. Now I am a part of the latter category and honestly that is just as bad too).
There are people who let the tiniest of issues bother them now. Some of it all goes back to having no damn manners. Some of it just goes to growing up and there weren’t too many other people there to care or discourage destructive behavior. Now we have people who are just mad for no damn reason and manifest it in horrible ways like fighting, shooting, or bullying (on and off the internet). Some people don’t understand that this isn’t a phase. It isn’t the way it used to be where you may have had a bully and one fight or summer break and the beef was squashed. That shit follows you home and on the internet until either long after you kill yourself or they find someone else to go after and if you don’t believe me take one look at these stans of young musicians (Some of those people, mostly teenagers, are damn psycho. If you don’t shake your head after reading the threats towards anyone that opposes their favorite celebrity gets then you have no soul).
Then you have people who care about nothing. Nothing in life ignites these people to feel anything. Nothing motivates them to say things are out of control and none of the criticism they receive (constructive or not) truly bothers them. What you see is a person who is basically dead inside. They go through the motions and there is nothing anyone can really do to help them. These people have to change if they want to but there are some who get to a certain point and think they are beyond helping. There’s no telling what is in the minds of these individuals. You can ask if you care but unless there’s some level of trust good luck with getting them to spill their emotions. They are well aware that society is on an express train to falling the fuck apart and they don’t give a shit because having awareness yields no benefit to them.
When you’re a kid you know you’re a kid and you can’t do anything. When you’re an adult you know you can do whatever you want but adults have serious consequences to their actions. None of which seems to get through to this generation. We are coddled to the point where some people truly think it’s ok not to have any responsibilities at all even at or after age 25. Some people have no job, some with minimal education, no source of income, live with their parents and yet the most important priority of the day is to update their Facebook status (And don't let these people have kids...that's worthy of a post of its own). Some people are stuck unwillingly in this situation and actually do feel a tinge of depression or shame but there are just as many people out there who don’t and actually expect for someone to always be there and take care of them and if it’s not mom or dad then it’s going to be someone who will play mom or dad but really just call them girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife just to pretty it up.
People are lost and look up to the wrong damn people. There really is no reason in life why the Twerk Team should even be known (I use known because they are Below Negative Z-Listers). It’s girls who shake their ass on the internet but refuse to be called strippers because they don’t work in a club or take their clothes off despite having naked pictures on WSHH ( ::rant:: ). But anyway people like this are known and there are people who look up to them and want to be like them because they think they live a cool life. Yet you have people out there who actually took the time to write their own books (without co-authors) and yet no one is at their door or sending them emails requesting interviews. We have people on reality TV who are known for being groupies or womanizers but because they get paid to go to clubs people want to be like them and interview them every other day just to ask them the same 6 questions they mostly can't answer over and over.
Thirst and desperation has taken over to the point where if one doesn’t exhibit this behavior then it means that they are “not about that life” (I hate that saying…along with YOLO). The attention whoring for the most menial shit is out of hand now. People sell themselves and strip naked for a couple hundred bucks to make a WSHH video just to get Twitter followers (so they can tell their followers how other girls hate on their self-deluded success). You have guys who follow these girls just hoping that one replies back to them without being snide or mean. I don’t understand. Where’s the adoration for the people who get up and go to work every day, the teachers who actually have a love of their profession, the doctors who want to see you get better and not sell you a truckload of drugs you have to stay on for the rest of your life? Where’s the respect for them?
Perhaps the madness will end soon or it may get worse since these people have long begun to procreate and pass down their interpretation of values. Who knows when that day will come but it surely won’t be tomorrow and that's why I continue to shake my head and give up at life a little more every day.
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Spot on. I would say so much but I would be typing all night. Basically tho, all the fuckery is promoted by design. There are reasons why this generation is the result of so much bullshit from the previous generation & from itself & none of that shit is by accident. We are the generation that TV raised, given to us by our even-more-lost parents whom churches & religion raised.
You know I kinda wrote this with you in mind. The stuff you speak on Twitter is the truth and I know some people who would see it and get straight offended too.
I wrote this one night at like 11:30pm and didn't stop until I came up with this and still I wanted to write more. These people are just lost and the parents are to blame because some of my peers have parents who are just now hitting 40.
This stuff here is no accident though. It's ingrained to the point where when someone tells these people to "do better" it only translates to "get money". They honestly don't know better and having class and maturity and a hardworking spirit is something they just never ever learned.
Wow this is exactly what I see everyday and was starting to wonder if I was the only one to see it.
You are absolutely not alone in thinking that.
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