Tuesday, April 17, 2012
When People Claim They Have Reality Shows But Don't
7:38 PM | Posted by
Silverstar2154 |
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You hear this every day. Tons of people from the F-List to the Negative Z-List and below (yes there’s a level below Negative Z-List too. They live on Facebook and Twitter if you don’t know where they are) claim they have reality shows. It’s probably also crossed your mind that months later you look up and realize there’s still no show on TV. I never ask myself this question because after 6 years of analyzing the ins and outs of reality television I know better.
People, particularly people who are boring, talentless and not all that attractive but somehow ended up on TV anyway, get a taste of what it feels like when someone other than their own mothers adore them and they love it. It validates them and makes them feel that these people on the internet are the greatest thing since sliced bread. Because these people on the internet (you all know them as stans, fanboys/fangirls, cleaners and other words more vulgar than these) are so devoted to these people the TV personalities believe they are famous so for them the natural progression to stardom is their own solo reality show devoid of anyone who can possibly overshadow them.
If ever at any point any of these people claim they have a reality show do not (I repeat DO NOT) believe them or the websites that report the stories. The reason I stress this is because a good majority of the time (over 90% if you really need to be factual) these shows don’t exist or never move past the pilot stage. If a person makes a claim of having a show without being backed up by either a press release or a statement from the network their claims are baseless and you will be waiting for a show that never comes to fruition.
If after 6 months there is absolutely no proof that something will happen with these supposed shows assume the show is not happening. On a related note if a show that has aired has been off the air for more than 6 months and you have heard not one peep about it coming back assume it is canceled because most of the time it is not coming back.
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