Friday, March 1, 2013

Five For Friday 46

Almost felt too sick to bother with getting this up.

1. How come the resignation of the Pope is more important than the sequester when a good chunk of Americans aren’t Catholic?

2. Side-eye to people in Chicago who are so hard-up to smoke that they would really spend $12 on a pack of cigarettes (Now street hustlers are about to get mega annoying. That "LOOSE SQUARES" yell is already ringing through my head).

3. Duck Dynasty is just merciless. 8.6 million viewers? Really? For a premiere too?

4. WTF is this fake Harlem Shake mess? Is this another fad that’s going to get beaten to death like Plankin and Tebowing? (Yea. Remember plankin? Sure you don’t. Anything longer than 6 months ago feels like 3 years)

5. I must be the only person who can get to Friday and fail to see the reason why I should look forward to the weekend.


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