Tuesday, December 25, 2012

10 Reasons Why Holidays Suck: Christmas Edition

This is atrocious, Construction paper costs like 3.99 and I'm sure you could get a better result than that.

1. Thanksgiving was just a month ago. Why do we need 2 cooking holidays so close together?

2. Christmas songs get annoying after the first time you heard them.

3. It stops being exciting after age 15 (Though for me it started sucking after 12).

4. TV is irrelevant before 11am (Keep all the parades and crap because I am not here for that. Just direct me towards the NBA games so I can be burnt out by the last one and fall asleep during the 2nd quarter because Western Conference games are just that boring).

5. It’s damn near impossible to find a Christmas Card that looks nice and have not corny yet still generic words inside because these cards now suck (I don’t know how my grandma does it but she finds great ones every year and no my family does not believe in family portraits for Christmas Cards. That requires giving over the maximum amount of fucks allotted for this season).

6. It’s a kid holiday and yet I’ve seen more commercials for cars and engagement rings than I care to see (don’t they know dudes dump chicks before Christmas so they don’t have to buy them anything?)

7. If it wasn’t bad enough that retailers wanted you to spend money on this day a whole 2 months in advance, they also want you to spend your money the day after too (FOH with that. It’s too cold to be outside around 1,000 people just to give greedy people my money).

8. As a grown person you learn that this is the one day where you can never get any sleep no matter how hard you try.

9. If you’re like me you get stuff you don’t want when you didn’t want anything in the first place (WTH do I need a Subway gift card for? I don’t even eat sandwiches).

10. If you’re like me the you use #9 as a reason not to get anyone else anything because you don’t know what the hell they want in the first place (How am I supposed to know what other people want? I don’t hang around people like that).


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