Friday, November 2, 2012

Five for Friday 29

Friday crept up on me this week. I guess I’ve been too busy to notice (and usually I know when it's Friday so you know that's bad).

1. A week like this reminds me how important family is to you. Despite the problems you may have and the hardships you may face, always remember that as long as you have family (even if it’s just one person) who loves and supports you no matter what then don’t take advantage of it. Every moment you get to spend with them or talk to them is precious.

2. Life has immensely bizarre ways of showing you that everything can change in an instant and once that happens it’s up to you to decide if you are going to keep going or if you are going to crumble under the pressure.

3. Is it bad that I miss those dumbass prescription drug commercials now? All these political ads are so annoying (What’s so bad is that not one of the candidates in the commercials are going to be on my ballot and it’s gotten so bad that now ads for people running in other states are airing here).

4. I am actually not surprised or bothered by how cold it is starting to get outside. I suppose it’s because in my opinion it’s really not cold until it starts to snow or I’ve only been going outside on days where it’s really not all that cold.

5. I have made a few updates to my renewal chances posts this week so you may want to check a couple of them out (Particularly June and October).


Anonymous said...

What's worse than those political ads? All of the damn political mail! I voted absentee 2 weeks ago and it pisses me off that I still get about 12 pieces of junk mail aimed towards voting. Seriously the recycling bin is full of them! Tuesday needs to hurry up and happen so we can be done with this crap!

And I completely feel you about appreciating the family you have. Some folks just don't understand that until it's too damn late. You can always tell which one it is too because they are the ones falling all out, hooping and hollering at the funeral! I want to yell out "sit your ass down!" so bad but know how to behave in a church. LOL!

Silverstar2154 said...

I'm getting all that junk mail too and here they go way past the junk mail before election day. They actually ride up and down the street all day with megahorns telling people to go vote. They also robo call like 6-7 times a day too. I live in Chicago and it's that bad so I can only imagine how awful this stuff is in a place that actually counts.

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