Monday, December 30, 2013
VH1 2013 Season Average List
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Silverstar2154 |
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If you have been keeping up with my VH1 2013 Ratings List all year then you know that not much on this list will be a surprise. Still at this point of the year the list has become a sea of numbers and it gets hard to keep up with how all of these shows (30 in total but there are only 29 here) stack up with each other. I’ve done that work for you just as I did last year so here is the list.
But first a few notes:
A. The fall season of Best Week Ever is not included because I have not seen any individual episode ratings for it. This list includes all shows that have aired where I have seen at least 1 episode worth of ratings.
B. This list does not include previews, specials, re-runs or supertrailers into these averages. Only first-run episodes were counted here.
C. Shows with 1 asterisk are shows with missing or incomplete info. Shows with 2 asterisks are shows that aired at least 2 episodes after 11pm. Shows in blue are shows that have been officially renewed. Shows in green are currently airing shows and I will only update their numbers and potential placement on the list after the final episode for the season airs.
1. Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta 2 (3.282 million)- The fact that this is the #1 show (at the time of this post) is not news. It was #1 last year, everyone expected it to retain that spot this year and most people expect the same for next year. This year it met expectations and while the renewal isn’t 100% official we’ll just say it’s at 98% and leave it at that.
2. Love & Hip Hop 4 (3.072 million)- Unlike last year the #2 show was nowhere near as close as the #1 show like it is this year. While the likelihood is decreasing, there is actually still an outside chance for this show to overtake Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta to be the #1 show. I say that because with Love & Hip Hop, the finale and the reunion episodes tend to be the highest rated episodes of the season and if that happens here the space between these two shows is small enough that 3 episodes could make up the ground it needs to get the edge to be #1. We’ll see if that happens.
3. Chrissy & Mr. Jones 2 (2.533 million)- Quite a few people may be surprised to see that this is the #3 show but I am not one of those people. All 9pm Monday shows are expected to retain as much of the 8pm audience as possible. While this show started slacking off on those duties towards the end, Love & Hip Hop’s ratings were so high that any sort of good retention was going to guarantee this show a top 5 finish. That is the formula that has worked for VH1 and that is the formula that carries this show to a third season whenever that occurs.
4. T.I. & Tiny: The Family Hustle 3 (2.176 million)- This show is bizarre in the sense that it was pretty much used as the ultimate utility player this year. While it had enough episodes to have 2 seasons this year (18 episodes in total) it was split into two halves and while the decision to do so kept VH1 strong on Mondays it may have hurt this show just a little bit because the average had a chance to be much higher than it ended up being. Still finishing in the top 5 is nothing to sneeze at and I do expect to see this show in 2014.
5. Hit the Floor (2.130 million)- VH1 took a big risk with pushing back Single Ladies (due to premiere next Monday) to try to get viewers to come around to a brand new scripted drama. Of course the odds of failure were against it and the ratings for the first few episodes were lower than they should have been but the show did grow as the season went on and a top 5 finish for a rookie show is no small feat so the season 2 renewal was deserved.
6. Marrying The Game 2 (2.051 million)- This show is a testament to the power of Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta. Those first 2 episodes had such high ratings that any kind of drop for the remainder of the season was not going to really hurt this show. That is what happened here. So this ends 2013 being in just about the exact same position as it was in 2012. It has a great chance to get renewed, it most likely will get renewed, its return date cannot be predicted and there are quite a few other shows in the same position as this one.
7. Black Ink Crew 2 (2.013 million)- Up until last week’s finale this was actually the #6 show on the list. Bogus scheduling knocked it back a spot but considering that this ended ahead of season 1 and the fact that both seasons finished in the top 10 you can’t deny that VH1 has a winner in this show. Now VH1 needs to pull back and try not to squeeze in 2 full seasons for 2014 (Update 4/29/14: This total includes the 5 extra episodes that aired in early 2014).
8. Basketball Wives 5 (1.956 million)- The long hiatus between seasons 4 and 5 appeared to be proof that VH1 felt that Love & Hip Hop was the more bankable franchise. While they were proven to be right it still doesn’t leave them in a good position with this show because this show has good enough ratings to not deserve cancellation. Of course they can always weasel out of a renewal pointing to age, cast salaries or simply no room on the schedule to do so but doing so would put all the pressure on Love & Hip Hop to not lose any steam in 2014 and given the night and day numbers with the two New York seasons the evidence is there that viewers can get bored at any time and VH1 will have to work harder than they should to win them back or suffer the consequences of having a flimsy stretch of Monday nights until a stronger show can return.
9. Love & Hip Hop 3 (1.942 million)- As I said before, VH1 took a huge gamble here. They rebooted most of the cast and basically banked on the fact that the viewers were going to show up just on the name of the show. They did and while it was the weakest Monday 8pm show of the year, season 4 has already redeemed the series and in turn it has solidified this season’s legacy as an experimental one just as season 1 was.
10. Black Ink Crew (1.578 million)- One of quite a few shows squeezing in 2 seasons in a calendar year. Here this first season managed to hang in what was generally a weak spot in VH1’s schedule this year. Season 3 of Love & Hip Hop wasn’t strong but this show did the best it could and VH1 rewarded it by giving it a second chance especially because these numbers looked good in comparison to The Gossip Game.
11. Mob Wives: New Blood (1.225 million)- This show is putting VH1 in an odd predicament this season. The move to Thursday and the diminished promotion surrounding this show this season seems to indicate that VH1 doesn’t really place the show in high regard anymore. However the show is doing well in its Thursday timeslot and is continuing to prove that not only is it the strongest non-Monday show but it is still a self-starter show as well. While the spinoffs haven’t worked out too well, this show shouldn’t be punished for that considering that VH1 came out of this year only renewing 3 shows that never aired an episode on a Monday.
12. Mob Wives 3 (1.104 million)- You could tell VH1was slowly losing faith in this show when they booted the show from 8pm to 10pm. Sundays 9pm was not an option because the competition is far too tough but 10pm just seemed like a white flag. Still the choice to renew it was obvious because as it stands it was and still is the only non-Monday show that averages more than 1 million viewers.
13. La La’s Full Court Life 3 (1.091 million)- This was low for Mondays and VH1 knew this was low for Mondays but the swift renewal perhaps indicated that VH1 had already committed themselves to a new batch of episodes regardless of the numbers and I also think they wanted to use this show as a test for expansion outside of Mondays.
14. The Gossip Game (998,000)- This show is a perfect example of how high the expectations are on Mondays. Had this gotten the same numbers on any other night at 11pm it would first be moved back into primetime and then it would be promptly renewed. However the writing was on the wall from the beginning. 993,000 viewers for a premiere is a horrible showing on Mondays and after the show proved that it was the weak link that was causing Family Hustle to suffer it was promptly moved to 11pm. The 11pm ratings weren’t bad and just about equal with reruns on Monday but by then the decision that this wasn’t a successful show was made and there was nothing that could be done to save it.
15. Hollywood Exes 2 (834,000 *12 episodes)- I knew that VH1 wasn’t sold with putting this show on Mondays. They truly believed they had a show that could support itself on another night. So instead of Wednesdays they went for Sundays. What they got was something that these numbers don’t really show a true picture of. This show was outperformed by La La’s Full Court Life every single week (the average for this show is only slightly higher because of the premiere which aired on a Monday). Now while the numbers were good for a non-Monday show their silence thus far may indicate that they perhaps had higher hopes for this show. A third season can’t be ruled out but as more time passes the likelihood of that occurring will continue to decline.
16. La La’s Full Court Life 4 (826,000)- As I mentioned above, I’m not exactly sure this was the result of a confident renewal. The turnaround was far too sudden and season 3 numbers weren’t that stellar so I’m inclined to believe this was a leftover batch of episodes that got designated as a new season. So this show got placed on Sundays with Hollywood Exes and it did what anyone could ask for which was to not damage the primetime average. It is a bubble show. It could return for another season but if it is the end then it is coming a season too late in my opinion.
17. Couples Therapy 3 (598,000)- On paper the raw numbers make this show look like it didn’t deserve its renewal. Two huge factors contributed to this show getting renewed. The first and most important reason was that this season was the highest rated season of the series. The second reason was that outside of Mob Wives there really wasn’t another show that didn’t come from or need any help airing on Mondays that they could possibly justify giving a renewal to on numbers alone. This show was the closest one to fitting that bill and now there will be a little bit more pressure for this show to perform at a higher level for season 4. That task begins on Thursday.
18. Master of the Mix (490,000 ** 1 episode)- I saw only one episode of numbers for this but that one episode told me all I needed to know. It had a prime spot for the premiere, 10pm on a Monday night. Its lead-in (The premiere of The Gossip Game) received just shy of 1 million viewers. While not great it was good enough to provide some help for this show and yet it was only able to retain half of that audience. That is why VH1 had no qualms about shuffling it off to midnight and letting it air the rest of its season in complete silence. Now because it was never VH1’s show to begin with (It started on Centric for season 1, moved to BET for season 2 and landed on VH1 for season 3) it could possibly have a future on another Viacom owned network (MTV2 is a likely candidate if the show is renewed) but it won’t be on VH1.
19. Miami Monkey (470,000 *5 episodes)- This is what happens when a show that didn’t really deserve to get renewed (Big Ang) got retooled, re-casted and renamed and the results turned out to be more disastrous the second time around. Towards the end of the season it became evident that the show was merely a seat warmer for Mob Wives but now VH1 is left with yet another failed Mob Wives spinoff and no traction towards creating a viable franchise for the Mob Wives series.
20. I’m Married to A... (399,000 )- This show was a clear flop from the beginning but then VH1 made the mind boggling decision to move the show to Tuesday nights. Even more strange was that the show’s ratings actually got better but the last 3 episodes the ratings tumbled again and here we are with another forgotten show for the graveyard.
21. Tough Love: CoEd (311,000 *6 episodes)- To say this was a poor showing would be complimentary. I can’t say what could have caused this sort of decline. This show could have simply lost viewer interest with the long stretch between season 4 and 5 or the viewers were simply not interested in the twist of adding men to the show. Whatever is the case, the ratings showed that viewers stopped caring about this show and 5 seasons is a long run but every show must come to an end eventually and I can’t see how this one scrapes by with another season when this was the lowest rated season of the entire franchise.
22. Wicked Single (288,000 **4 episodes)- This was a hard show to keep up with because VH1 was highly impatient with it. They slotted it to air at 11pm (after Mob Wives) and then it appeared they had canceled it after the events of the Boston Marathon occurred (They pulled the show and all reruns off the air for 2 weeks). What then happened was that VH1 ended up burning off the final 4 episodes in a span of 2 weeks so in the end this show ended up looking like it got a raw deal even though it never had much of a chance to do well at all.
23. Making Mr. Right (252,000)- From the beginning I had a feeling this show wasn’t going to do much of anything. I was right and after a few short episodes VH1 plucked this show from a cushy spot on Sundays behind Mob Wives and threw it to Wednesdays to go die alone. The expectations for this show may not have been that high but they were certainly not this low either.
24. Stevie TV 2 (239,000)- It seems like it took forever and a day for this show to return and when it did it left VH1 in a very odd position. It ended the year as their highest rated Friday show but it had a much lower season average than season 1 which aired its entire season at 11pm on Sundays. So in effect while the show really doesn’t deserve to be a bubble show and I’m not inclined to believe that it is a bubble show, it has all the elements of one and sheer desperation could have this show resurface as a surprise 2014 renewal but if it doesn’t return the evidence for it being canceled is all here.
25. Miss U Much (211,000)- Unsurprisingly this show is here amongst its Friday show brethren. It didn’t make much of an impact and like the others one has to question if anything was expected of the show. Increasingly it looks like VH1 really wanted to make Best Week Ever look good but that didn’t work and they exposed where their loyalties were.
26. Best Week Ever [Early 2013] (204,000)- VH1 tried to make a play for Fridays this year. They really tried and they stayed committed to it all year but they quickly learned not to expect much and that everything they could ever imagine trying was all going to get roughly the same numbers. The numbers were indeed low but they were steady and that’s why they ordered a new batch of episodes for the fall and winter (As I have stated before I have not seen numbers for the fall set. I have only seen averages over the last couple of weeks and those indicate that the numbers are in the same general area as this set of numbers).
27. The Jenny McCarthy Show (175,000)- I don’t know what VH1 was expecting out of this show and I don’t think that anyone will ever know. Now that Jenny McCarthy has made her way onto The View, VH1 has a very viable excuse in not having to admit that they were probably going to cancel the show anyway.
28. Model Employee (148,000 ** 1 episode)- This is another show with limited information but I am willing to believe that VH1 never felt that this show would amount to much of anything. They slotted this show behind the finale of Off Pitch and after it showed that there was no interest in it, they shuffled the show off to 11pm where they wouldn’t have to deal with any damage to their primetime average. Terrible deal especially since they stuck with Off Pitch in primetime for the whole season but VH1 shows they are more patient with some shows than others.
29. Off Pitch (135,000)- No show ever wants to be known or remembered as the lowest rated show on the network but that is what we have with this show. It is also the show that also spent an episode below 100,000 viewers and if I remember correctly may have hit a 0.0 demo once (The show averaged a 0.1 demo for the season). Those factors are the perfect storm for being not only the lowest rated show of the year but it was VH1’s lowest rated show over the last several years (Certainly it has been since I’ve started compiling the numbers for it).
TV Ratings
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