Monday, September 30, 2013

Cable Show Scorecard: September 2013

I suppose you could say this month was fairly active in terms of announcements. Cable networks appeared to be taking advantage of the attention being put on broadcast networks so a lot of these decisions were slipped in amid the flurry of news over the last 2 weeks. Also take note that there are at least 4 (but possibly as many as 8) shows on this list that I am absolutely 100% sure of their fates. However I like for things to be official and that's why I have not and will not change their positions from the undecided sections until I get official word (as a hint, most of the shows are on VH1 or Bravo).

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

10 Ratings Blurbs 9/24/13 Edition

The real rush begins but can't say anything has gotten particularly interesting just yet.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

10 Ratings Blurbs 9-17-13 Edition

Sluggish week. Maybe these premieres and finales over the next couple of weeks will make things a little more exciting.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

10 Ratings Blurbs 9/10/13 Edition

Third post for me today. Too bad it might not be the final one because I still have that Bad Girls Club recap to write.

10 Cable Show Renewal Chances: September 2013

It was not a very easy task to try to find 10 shows this month but I managed to pull something together and take a couple of risks as well.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

10 Ratings Blurbs 9/4/13 Edition

Well at least I feel reasonably organized with this post considering that today is Wednesday and there is a lot of room for confusion and error for me. It helps to write down things. Without that I doubt I would remember too much of anything anymore.

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