Friday, May 31, 2013

Cable Show Scorecard: May 2013

Things have slowed down considerably on the cable announcement front. Most of the renewals this month were actually made near the beginning of the month. I'm about to outline an overhaul to this month's post but while you're here you can glance at some of the older scorecards while you're at it.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

10 Ratings Blurbs 5/29/13 Edition

For some reason I feel like I should have posted this yesterday even though it wouldn't have made any sense because it would be missing the one show that I really wanted to see the numbers for [Full List Here]

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Paid Viewpoint Review

This is a review previously posted in 2012 that I have decided to update. The review will only go over as how the site currently operates (as of May 2013) and all changes and updates that I have made over the last year will be incorporated into this review.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

10 Ratings Blurbs 5/21/13 Edition

Mostly broadcast shows on this list because of the finales. Expect next week's list to be more of the same as well [Full List Here].

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

10 Ratings Blurbs 5/14/13 Edition

Not much to say here today. Too busy with other things [Full List Here].

Friday, May 10, 2013

10 Cable Show Renewal Chances: May 2013

This post was extremely close to not happening because I forgot that today was the 10th. Fortunately I was able to scrape together 10 shows that I already knew I had some general opinions on so while this month's post might be a little light on details there should still be enough to satisfy or agitate your curiosity.

Of course there's always old posts to look back on (including an update I made just yesterday to the one of those old posts from either last May or June).

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

10 Ratings Blurbs 5/7/13 Edition

Seems like bad ratings can really throw a wrench in what I has originally planned to write for today [Full List Here].

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