Tuesday, March 28, 2017

10 Ratings Blurbs: 3/28/17 Edition

This week's post is loaded with premieres, returns and finales along with a couple of shows sprinkled in to bring the list to 10.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

10 Ratings Blurbs: 3/21/17 Edition

After being delayed by 2 days last week, an hour doesn't seem all that bad this week.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

10 Ratings Blurbs: 3/16/17 Edition

Some weird outage at Nielsen has kept the ratings delayed for days. At the time of this post, everything isn't caught up yet. I have what I need to post numbers for last week, but I have no idea if the delays will continue into next week.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

10 Ratings Blurbs: 3/7/17 Edition

Back after a mini break. Feels good to actually have stuff to say this week.

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